Translation And Localization: What Is The Difference?

You've come to the right place if you're wondering how localization and translation differ from one another. 

The translation is a type of localization, just like football is a particular sport. However, similar to games, localization is a broad genre with many options for adapting content to a new, international audience.

The translation is a starting point.

Translation services essentially change written words from one language into another. Different strategies are used during localization to make sure that the entire meaning of the text is understood by all audiences.

If the content is read incorrectly, it could not make sense to the target audience. For instance, a commercial would say, "Make us your top draught pick."

The NBA and NFL draughts, where teams select their favorite talent first, are understood by Americans as the context for this. However, unless you enlist in the army, there are no draught facilities outside of the US. Localization, therefore, considers the original message of the content before determining the best method to convey, "Choose us."

Localization takes into account formatting and design

Altering the layout is another localization method. English reads from left to right, unlike Arabic, Hebrew, and other languages, which read from right to left. To ensure that images, copy, and other content pieces move in a specific direction, our advertisement would need to be turned.

Font size and type may also need to be adjusted to clearly read languages written in scripts other than Roman. Even when text is translated into a language with an alphabet comparable to English, the layout frequently needs to be changed. French and Spanish, two Romance languages, use 30% more words than English to express an equivalent statement.

Word count is 30–40% lower in Finnish. Language is changed during translation, but layout localization ensures that the copy is presented correctly. Brands can confirm that layout and formatting can be appropriately altered to meet the precise translations with the use of tools like graphic context. 

Only One Aspect of Localization Is the Translation

There is also everything else: The price is in the correct currency? Are the times formatted correctly? English or metric units are used to measure product size? 

All of these components fall under the higher localization category.

Simply translating a text's words from the source language to the target language while keeping the ideas and meaning the same is called translation. However, localization entails making even more adjustments in order to adhere to the cultural aspects of the target audience. 

Local stuff seems familiar. Products can ensure that their capabilities resonate with users, even if they speak a completely different language, by including just local material.

Which should I select between translation and localization?

Now that the differences between localization and translation service are clear, which should I choose?

It depends on your needs, is the response. A translation service can be all you need if all you want to do is translate your content's meaning from one language to another. Localization is the best option if you want to tailor your material to a certain market. 

When you might be better off with good old Translation

The following are some examples of text formats where a translation service suffices most of the time: User guides, medical records, technical specifications, instruction manuals, and scientific periodicals are just a few examples.

Overall, any content that doesn't need cultural adaptations and contains information that is applicable to all audiences can be translated using a translation service. This statement should not be interpreted as downplaying the importance of translation; on the contrary, it is one of the most difficult professions. 

Wrapping Up 

Although localization and translation services both aim to reach audiences that speak many languages, there are significant differences between the two processes. The first step in localization, a more involved and specialized process of creating material for certain audiences, is translation. Acadestudio, a premiere translation company, can provide you with excellent translation solutions.


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